FREE 2HR Video On Setting Up Resell Rights Products!
No Matter How Many Resell Rights Products You Own, If You Don't Know How To Set Them Up, You'll NEVER Make A Single Cent Online... L...

Learn How To Edit Your Sales Page, Create A PayPal Button, Add The Button To Your Sales Page, Redirect Your Customers Automatically To Your Download Page, Upload Your Product Files, And Much More...
From The Desk Of Chris Farrell & Aaron Danker Dear Frustrated Product Owner -
Making money online is a tough game. It's even harder if you don't have a clue as to where to start. There's... affiliate marketing, PPC, social networking, blogging, CPA, offline marketing, product creation, advertised publishing, list building, email marketing, paid surveys etc. etc. I really could go on forever about the numerous ways of making money online.
"But Creating Products From Scratch Is So Time Consuming... I Don't Even Have The Skill To Put A Product Together!..."
Whilst you may be thinking that, you may be surprised to know that there is a way around this - and that is by selling products that have already been made and acquiring the license to do so. Why do all the hard work when it's already done and when there are 100s of sites providing you with ready-made products?
In fact, if you do a search on Google now for "resell rights" you'll find 100s, if not 1000s of sites that promise to provide you with products that you can re-sell. There's no shortage of them!
A very good question. The truth is, if you look closely at the product they're offering you'll see that the product is lacking quality. The sales page may be very short, the graphics for the mini-site may be looking a bit 'cheap' or 'cheesy', and more than likely there won't even be a download page, or affiliate page so you'll be spending a good few days re-vamping the product.
And even if all this was done for you, there's still the issue of getting it up and running. You may even have a pile of them cluttering your hard drive because you promised yourself that you'll get back to them later.
You still have to know how to edit the sales page, i.e. the index.html page... which parts to edit, what to leave alone. You still have to know how to edit the download page... how to rename it so that it's not so obvious for a thief to guess, how to create a simple 'buy now' PayPal button that automatically redirects to your customer to your download page, how to add the 'buy now' button to your sales page and so on...
"This Is The #1 Reason Why Most Wannabe Product Resellers Throw In The Towel And Join The Affiliate Marketing Band-Wagon Writing And Submitting Articles Day And Night!"
What if I said to you that I you CAN become a proficient product owner, better still a proficient RESELLER? And what if I can GUARANTEE that you'll have your first product up and running within 2 hours from now after watching an info-pack progressive video that will take you from a rank newbie to seasoned pro?
And what if I said that instead of trying to sell you the training, you can get access to it completely FREE? Including the resell rights product that's being set up in the video. Would you be willing to even give it a try?...
You should because for a very limited time, you're going to get access to a two and a half hour recorded webinar that other's had to pay to get access to.
As a single guy with two kids, I simply needed the extra cash. Restraints with my children’s schedules and expensive childcare costs, I decided that I wanted to do something online. The problem was that I didn’t know where to start! Chris solved this mystery for me!
Chris has a simple agenda here in putting together this video: to make you money! It was like having my very own internet business tutor! What I like most about Chris and his video was that he actually addresses some very real-life problems people encounter when starting out. For example, Chris covers and dispels the confusion of website files, web addresses, links, and URLs, and most importantly, how to set up an avenue to getting paid. He also shows you how to get paid for multiple products – which is exactly what I needed to know! When I started out watching this video, I had tons of questions: What do I sell? How do people pay me?
How do I determine the price? How do I take my products even further and sell on a greater level? All these questions were answered – by a real life person who had been exactly where I am right now – and understood the confusion of getting started. Whether or not we use Chris’ product, he is concerned about one thing: getting the process down right. Once you have the process down, your potential at making money with any product is pretty much unlimited. This video is a must for anyone who is seriously thinking about venturing in and making money! Now, I’m on my third website, making just about the same amount of money before I was laid off and I’m spending more time with my kids!
Here's a more...