If you're tired of the rat race, tired of working for morons & imbeciles, if you want to pay YOURSELF what you are REALLY worth... F...

If you're tired of the rat race, tired of working for morons & imbeciles, if you want to pay YOURSELF what you are REALLY worth...
For whatever reason, if you want off the grid, out of the rat race, or into a business of you own with no limits on income--YOU SHOULD BE WRITING YOUR OWN NONFICTION LITTLE BOOKS AND eBOOKS--and you should start today!
Internet marketing, sports, fitness, gardening, pets, dating, computing, cooking, investing, business, parenting, self-help, sports, travel, education, relationships...
I Remember The Day I Sold Just Over $10,000! I write books and ebooks for a living. I'm nobody special--I used to be an inner-city teacher. But ya know what? I used to check my sales during my lunch period at school and one day I sat there with over $1,400 in sales from just that one day.
I said, "What the hell am I doing here working for peanuts when I can make this kind of money selling simple books I've written in just a few hours a day?"
That wasn't my record for sales in a day, not by a long shot. But not long after that I walked into my building principal's office and said, "I quitting!"
He Asked Me When I was Going To Quit... I said, "I just did!" And it's true, a couple years later I did have a $10,000 single day. (I give you proof of this in my book!) I used to have to work 3-4 months to make that much--and I just did it on one single day. I learned my lesson: Work smart, not hard! Does that make any sense to you?
Are You Sure What You're Doing Right Now Is What You Want To Be Doing Forever?
Maybe You Can Relate To This... I was stuck in a job with no real future and working for people making 3-4 times what I made--and they certainly weren't any smarter than I was. In fact they were idiots! Do you know what I mean when I say that I had a burning fire in my gut to succeed? I really did and I'm betting you feel the same way.
Too Bogged Down In Your Job To Make Any Real Money? I was and I'll bet you know what I mean. It's all to easy to get into a rut. I was in one and I wanted out! But there was one thing I was certain of--If I wanted to make any real money I would have to do it outside of that dead end job of mine.
I Wanted Out. I Wanted Off The Treadmill--Off The Grid, But I Didn't Know How To Do It! I thought of myself as a six-figure-a-year man, but I was stuck in a $30,000 a year job. I'm hoping you can relate to that. I'm pretty sure you can. There's this feeling you get in the middle of the night--you wake up, you've got this knot in your gut--and you just want out. You want something better. It's hard to explain.
There Was One Thing I Learned In My Early Years... When I looked around at what I was doing--and what others were doing--I found one undeniable fact. The people who were knocking down money (and I mean real money), didn't work that hard and they didn't spend nearly as much time working at it as I did. The other side of that coin was that the people working hard, and putting in long hours--generally weren't making jack squat!
We Are Different Than Other Folks--And You Know We Are! A lot of people dream of changing their lives. But one day they wake up, they are 80 years old, and they look back dreaming of what might have been. Their dreams were good, but they had no plan. But we have a plan, or at least I'm going to give you one. And this is a good one; It's a very good one.
We're different people than that--you and I. We deserve to be paid more than what we can make at a dead-end job working to make someone else rich! It's not that I'm better than anyone else--I'm not! But I am very creative and I demand to be rewarded for that creativity. How about you?
Back about two years before I quit teaching I was doing a presentation before about 100 teachers at a convention. I talked about some cool teaching techniques I had come up with. After 30 minutes, just when I had finished winding things up--a young woman raised her hand and asked me if I had a book with all of this stuff in it.
I stood there for a minute. Ya know how sometimes a question like that gets you thinking. All of a sudden I blurted, "I do". I'm sold out of copies right now but if you want to leave me a name and address I'll send you info on it when I get home." I handed her a sheet of paper and a pen.
I saw her fill in her info, and then the man next to her asked for the paper. Within 10 minutes there were about 70 names written down. Gads! Now what? I made...
For whatever reason, if you want off the grid, out of the rat race, or into a business of you own with no limits on income--YOU SHOULD BE WRITING YOUR OWN NONFICTION LITTLE BOOKS AND eBOOKS--and you should start today!
Internet marketing, sports, fitness, gardening, pets, dating, computing, cooking, investing, business, parenting, self-help, sports, travel, education, relationships...
I Remember The Day I Sold Just Over $10,000! I write books and ebooks for a living. I'm nobody special--I used to be an inner-city teacher. But ya know what? I used to check my sales during my lunch period at school and one day I sat there with over $1,400 in sales from just that one day.
I said, "What the hell am I doing here working for peanuts when I can make this kind of money selling simple books I've written in just a few hours a day?"
That wasn't my record for sales in a day, not by a long shot. But not long after that I walked into my building principal's office and said, "I quitting!"
He Asked Me When I was Going To Quit... I said, "I just did!" And it's true, a couple years later I did have a $10,000 single day. (I give you proof of this in my book!) I used to have to work 3-4 months to make that much--and I just did it on one single day. I learned my lesson: Work smart, not hard! Does that make any sense to you?
Are You Sure What You're Doing Right Now Is What You Want To Be Doing Forever?
Maybe You Can Relate To This... I was stuck in a job with no real future and working for people making 3-4 times what I made--and they certainly weren't any smarter than I was. In fact they were idiots! Do you know what I mean when I say that I had a burning fire in my gut to succeed? I really did and I'm betting you feel the same way.
Too Bogged Down In Your Job To Make Any Real Money? I was and I'll bet you know what I mean. It's all to easy to get into a rut. I was in one and I wanted out! But there was one thing I was certain of--If I wanted to make any real money I would have to do it outside of that dead end job of mine.
I Wanted Out. I Wanted Off The Treadmill--Off The Grid, But I Didn't Know How To Do It! I thought of myself as a six-figure-a-year man, but I was stuck in a $30,000 a year job. I'm hoping you can relate to that. I'm pretty sure you can. There's this feeling you get in the middle of the night--you wake up, you've got this knot in your gut--and you just want out. You want something better. It's hard to explain.
There Was One Thing I Learned In My Early Years... When I looked around at what I was doing--and what others were doing--I found one undeniable fact. The people who were knocking down money (and I mean real money), didn't work that hard and they didn't spend nearly as much time working at it as I did. The other side of that coin was that the people working hard, and putting in long hours--generally weren't making jack squat!
We Are Different Than Other Folks--And You Know We Are! A lot of people dream of changing their lives. But one day they wake up, they are 80 years old, and they look back dreaming of what might have been. Their dreams were good, but they had no plan. But we have a plan, or at least I'm going to give you one. And this is a good one; It's a very good one.
We're different people than that--you and I. We deserve to be paid more than what we can make at a dead-end job working to make someone else rich! It's not that I'm better than anyone else--I'm not! But I am very creative and I demand to be rewarded for that creativity. How about you?
Back about two years before I quit teaching I was doing a presentation before about 100 teachers at a convention. I talked about some cool teaching techniques I had come up with. After 30 minutes, just when I had finished winding things up--a young woman raised her hand and asked me if I had a book with all of this stuff in it.
I stood there for a minute. Ya know how sometimes a question like that gets you thinking. All of a sudden I blurted, "I do". I'm sold out of copies right now but if you want to leave me a name and address I'll send you info on it when I get home." I handed her a sheet of paper and a pen.
I saw her fill in her info, and then the man next to her asked for the paper. Within 10 minutes there were about 70 names written down. Gads! Now what? I made...