My Monthly Membership - Video Training Membership In-A-Box!

If you thought membership sites were reserved only for talented and 'in-the-know marketers... think again!... Now I'm sure you'r...

If you thought membership sites were reserved only for talented and 'in-the-know marketers... think again!...

Now I'm sure you're already aware that I do a lot of work creating my own products. And I'm sure that I don't have to explain that I also create them for reseller's like you. (Just Google my name 'Aaron Danker'). Today however, I'm selling something slightly different - resell rights to a membership site!

The beauty of membership products is that you can sell once to your customer and have the peace of mind that they’ll continue to pay for access for that membership for as long as the membership lasts.

It could be a 3 month membership, a 6 month membership, a yearlong membership or a lifetime membership. Either way, once you’ve got a new member in your membership, you know you’ve added more to your net profit – way more than what a linear one-time sale could ever do for you.

Jane sells an eBook for $27. It’s got 100 pages of pure content, she’s got a lovely sales page and new people are buying her product every day. She makes 1 sale a day, bringing her $810 per month. Not bad.

John sells that same eBook, but he decides that there’s so much information in there that some people are going to suffer from information overload and not even apply the knowledge. They may even become so overwhelmed that they ask for refunds! So he dissects the original eBook into their chapters. Let’s say there are 20 chapters in the eBook so each segment will have 5 pages.

Now obviously, he can’t sell each chapter for the same price as Jane because people will not buy from him, however he can charge say $10 to deliver 4 chapters every month so that all 20 chapters are delivered to the customer over the span of 5 months.

Jane’s profit is $27. John’s profit is $50. John has nearly doubled his profit by simply breaking down the content and delivering it over the span of 20 weeks.

Now before you go off thinking, ‘is this true.. can you actually do that?’ let me tell you know that I’ve done it with a handful of eBooks and video packages and it has been the most profitable and worthwhile moves I could ever do for my business. Let me explain a few things that may be going through your head right now...

Is John ripping off the customer?... Hardly – in fact he’s doing them a favour. Knowledge is a funny thing. Learning new things and soaking it up takes time! By providing small chucks of quality information the customer can now take the time to read, digest and apply what’s been read which is much easier to handle than giving them everything at once.

And as for the price, $10 is hardly going to break the bank. That $10 is more a symbol of commitment from the customer – commitment to learn and to take action. They know that if they do not commit themselves to learning, reading and downloading a new chapter every week, they’ll only be letting themselves down.

Everything you do in your online (and offline) marketing should be geared towards residual and recurring income. You should not have to work your rear end off just to generate that one sale – especially if it doesn’t convert well! You need to be generating a stable cash flow!

“Membership sites are too difficult to create – they require a lot of attention to detail, and I don’t think I’ve got the skills to even install a membership script.”

“I wouldn’t know where to begin – how would I set up a subscription payment button? How would I let my members know when to log into their membership and download the fresh content?”

“It’s more hassle than it’s worth – I have to keep adding new content consistently to the membership to keep everyone happy.”

“A membership is nothing more than a thinly disguised job! – If I’m adding new content to it every week, or month I’m practically having to work like I would in the real world to make a living!”

“Who would want to join my membership anyway? – There are so many other memberships out there, what makes mine any different?”

“What could I possibly offer to put value into my own membership? – I don’t class myself as an expert in any particular field, at least not an expert enough to provide fresh content for my members week after week!”

“I don’t really believe in memberships! – They wouldn’t make much difference to my income anyway!”

I may have hit a nerve somewhere but really we all face this problem at some point. So I don't blame you.

I completely understand why you would think any one of these negative thoughts or even all of them! But I’m here to show you today how this is ALL POSSIBLE! – No matter what your skill level!

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It mіght ѕееm lіkе thе economy’s suffering everywhere, but іt соuld bе easier tо earn а living іn сеrtаіn states. Illinois, Washington, аnd Texas top а list created bу, whісh ranks states ассоrdіng tо residents’ average income, based оn factors ѕuсh аѕ cost оf living аnd average wage. “With thе wау thе economy іѕ today, ѕurе thе job market іѕ tough, but whаt people nееd tо recognize іѕ thаt conditions аrе vеrу dіffеrеnt frоm оnе state tо thе next,” ѕауѕ Richard Barrington оf Here's а breakdown оf thе top states whеrе уоu саn earn а bigger paycheck:





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