Write Your Way to Wealth
This course is a revolutionary money making system. What you will learn in this course is very different to the usual material you read abou...

I am about to shatter some myths and you are about to break free from the ‘wanabee an infopreneur’ crowd and join an elite inner circle of serious writers and publishers who really know how to succeed in the information publishing business. The opportunities for multiple income streams and creating a lifetime of passive income are all infinitely possible with information publishing, yet only a handful of infopreneurs are tapping in to the seriously big money. Most aspiring infopreneurs are making fundamental mistakes which are severely limiting their ability to sell their information products and wrecking their potential for success.
In part one of this course, I hope to convince you that the vast majority of Internet marketers (selling any type of niche product – not just information products) are barking up the wrong tree when it comes to marketing on the Internet. I’m not talking about tweaking pay per click adverts or finding a new way to get listed on Google – in fact this course doesn’t address these issues at all, because they are totally irrelevant…
It doesn’t matter a jot if you have finally mastered Google AdWords, spent a week achieving the ideal combination of key words or whether you’ve just learned how to get to the top of all the organic listings. None of it will matter if you don’t have the right product, or the right approach – you still won’t sell successfully! Sorry if I’ve burst your bubble (but I will be showing you how to succeed as a self published author- an infopreneur).
In part one, I intend to show you the amazing opportunities that information publishing provides to anyone willing to invest some time and effort into creating a superior product, formatting it correctly and marketing it in an effective way.
There are many myths and misconceptions about infopreneuring (to pinch a term used by Mark Victor Hanson and Robert Allen) which keep entrepreneurs locked into a cycle of erroneous beliefs about how to create and sell information that inevitably ends in failure.
·This course will show you the latest scientific evidence that the way information products are generally marketed is fundamentally wrong and why, in this new age of sophisticated and rather sceptical Internet buyers, we need a radical new approach.
·You won’t have to go hunting out and chasing customers in a niche market – I already know where they are – you just have to create a product that will appeal to them.
·You will discover what subjects are ‘hot’, what makes a bestseller, how you can find your own sizzling subjects to write about and how you can create your very own blockbuster in a matter of weeks or even days.
·The course will show you how to market your own products to take advantage of the way people make buying decisions and how to market and sell your own book alongside all the other bestselling titles, in top high street bookshops as well as via the Internet – not tucked away in the distant corners of Internet cyberspace.
·You will discover why pay per click does not always work, and why you should rarely offer free reports. We will also look at some of the other dubious marketing strategies being advocated by most Internet marketers and discover more effective ways of marketing your book.
·You will learn how you can market information products successfully without your own web site, and why Internet marketing is not the only (or necessarily the best) way to sell your products.
·You will also learn how to create a list of qualified customers who have already bought your product and use that list to create multiple income streams and a dependable passive income for life.
·You will also discover the secrets of becoming a successful professional author, how to approach publishers and literary agents and how to develop a professional career as a writer.
Recently, science has discovered that there is a fundamental flaw in the way Internet marketers approach the business of finding the right information products and selling them on the Internet and I will demonstrate this to you shortly.
The Internet has apparently opened up new markets for all sorts of obscure products. However, the prevailing idea that anyone can make it as an Internet marketer by pursuing a niche market have been shown to be wrong on very good authority. If you find yourself doubting what I say, that is good, because it is a perfect illustration of how ingrained these ideas have become in the ‘Internet marketing psyche’.
Forget everything you’ve been told so far about the business of selling information products….
In the past few months our most cherished ideas about Internet marketing have been scientifically proven to be wrong by long-term studies at UK and US universities. You won’t get any more up-to-date or accurate than that. Amazingly, it transpires that human nature itself is the main obstacle to the success of marketing to niche markets on the Internet – and there is little you can do to overcome an obstacle of that magnitude.
Once you understand how people actually make their buying decisions, you have the knowledge to...