Facebook's Possible Advertisement Strategy By An Online Marketing Firm

As social media has shifted in order to become more ad-oriented, it's clear that the ads in question have to be tailored to certain inte...

As social media has shifted in order to become more ad-oriented, it's clear that the ads in question have to be tailored to certain interests. Facebook, for example, may be able to suggest the best ads to you depending on what you search for on the social media mogul and the pages you like. With that said, it seems like Facebook may start to resemble the ads that are characteristic of Google. If you are curious as to what this means, an online marketing firm can offer greater insight.

Mashable posted an article about a new piece of technology developed by Kenshoo Social, an ad tech company partnered with Facebook. The technology in question, though in its beta stage, entails a new way for ads to be curated. Basically, it would be able to determine the sites that you click on through various search engines, Google and Bing included. This is where keywords can be looked into. As a result, more fitting ads can be brought to anyone's attention.

For those who are lost as to what exactly this means, take this example into consideration. What if you go onto Bing and decide to search for "televisions" before clicking on an online retailer that specializes in entertainment? When you log onto Facebook again, there is a good chance that there will be ads featuring websites that you will be able to buy TVs from. When you go about searches on Bing, or any search engine for that matter, advertisements on Facebook will be tailored to them.

Keep in mind that companies were able to focus on specific demographics because of their most visited websites in the past. Even though the concept itself is not exactly new, any online marketing firm can tell you that this approach is more rooted in keyword usage than anything else. As firms such as fishbat will be able to tell you, the focus on keywords is a perk that was not available to marketers before Kenshoo Social's technology came to the surface. With it, though, comes the potential for marketing overall to be changed.

Is it possible that this method can be used in order to help consumers in the long term? I believe it to be true, especially when consumers now have the opportunity to be presented with fewer ads that are irrelevant to them and more that actually speak out to their interests. For reasons like these, marketers should make it a point to incorporate this sort of technology in the long term. If this product is utilized in the proper way, I have no doubt that both companies and consumers will benefit.

Kindly consult fishbat if you have any queries in regards to the social media services of a trustworthy online marketing firm.. This article, Facebook's Possible Advertisement Strategy By An Online Marketing Firm is released under a creative commons attribution license.

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