SEO For 2014: Understanding How The Quality Of Your Content Affects Your Site's Ranking
A few years ago, it used to be possible to get a website ranked in Google even if the content on your website is less than stellar. In fact,...

Nowadays in 2014, you can try doing the same thing and you will realize that you are just wasting your own time and money. Even if you can get ranked with blackhat techniques, the ranking is not going to last. That is why it is so important to focus on quality content in 2014. Of course, there is a very important question that is worth asking. What exactly do you mean by quality content?
This is definitely something that all webmasters should pay attention to. In the past, there used to be this concept of authority favoritism. Basically, it is said that these big authority sites are favored by Google. Therefore, they tend to rank highly in the search engine. Apparently, this is just a myth now.
Metrics such as keyword density and on-page optimization can be useful; however, they should not be your primary focus. When you sit down to create a new piece of content for your website, put your visitors� needs at the forefront of your mind. Craft an article that not only answers all of their questions, but that is also entertaining, easy to read and engaging. Be Unique - Even the most mundane topic can be interesting if you present it from a unique angle. The more you differentiate your content from what is already on the web, the better your chances of getting noticed by the search engines. Think About Whether or Not You Would Read Your Own Content
In fact, with the recent introduction of Panda 4.0, quality content is more important than ever. You have probably heard of eBay being slapped by this update due to poor quality content. That is why it is so important to put in more effort in creating content for your website in 2014.
There has been a lot of arguments regarding what makes a content high quality. A few years ago, any 500 words article that is considered unique, and read well without any obvious grammatical or spelling errors is considered high quality. Although the argument is obviously flawed, as far as the search engine is concerned, it worked. Those articles do get ranked with enough backlinks pointing to them. Nowadays, in 2014, quality content has a very different meaning. Being unique is no longer enough for an article to be considered high quality. It should at least be good enough so that visitors will not click the back button as soon as they land on the page. After all, most marketers agree that bounce rate and time on site can affect your search engine rankings. - Rapid Content Wizard Lightning is a news review site that reveals the truths & myths by providing a Rapid Content Wizard Lightning Review.