Using Videos Rather Than Sales Letters To Get Your Point Across

If you are promoting a product or service on the Internet, you will get much better mileage out of a video presentation, rather than a sales...

If you are promoting a product or service on the Internet, you will get much better mileage out of a video presentation, rather than a sales letter on a website. We are in a society that likes to be entertained, as evidence by the success of the movie industry. Why not capitalize on that trend and focus your advertising and sales approach in the same way?


Let's face it, we live in an entertainment society, and when you can combine entertainment with a sales approach, you've got a winner. Look at the success that the movie industry rolls out week after week. Our society is hooked on movies, and they will be hooked on your videos, if you produce them correctly.

Even a two minute run of your video is usually sufficient to cover the main points of your item, and then you can refer to a website which could have your sales letter attached to provide more detail of your offer.

The more different senses that you can get the prospective customer involved with, the better. While a sales letter only involves one sense, which is visual, he or she will not be as engaged as you might wish with your item. However, with a video, you not only have vision, you have audio, and you are telling a story, which can fully engage the person.

YouTube is owned by Google, so if you make a video that is of good quality and the proper keywords, it can be ranked on Google very highly. Videos will always get more attention than sales letters just because of the dynamics of what catches the attention of people.

Videos are far superior to sales letters in the conversion prospects to customers primarily because of the engagement factor of the videos. We live in an entertainment society, where people love to go to the movies. Just look at the success that the movie industry enjoys, and you should be capitalizing upon that trend. In marketing, the more of a person's senses that can be involved in any sales approach, the better. With a video the visual aspect, as well as audio, and the movie effect are three items that grabs the attention of the person. The sales letter really only employs the visual effect when the person reads the sales letter. - Easy Sketch Pro is a news review site that reveals the truths & myths by providing a Easy Sketch Pro Review.


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