What Are Sober Greeting Cards

When a person stops drinking or using drugs using a twelve step program they mark their progress by celebrating periods of successful sobrie...

When a person stops drinking or using drugs using a twelve step program they mark their progress by celebrating periods of successful sobriety. They start with smaller periods such as thirty or sixty days then there is a six month observance and switching to once a year after the first twelve months. The members of AA and NA use sober greeting cards as a permanent means for celebrants to remember these bench marks in their recovery.

Monthly birthday meetings many time serve as part of the reason a new comer may stay in the program until they are well enough to stay in sobriety by choice. Seeing others receive the card and medallions and hearing the praise that usually goes with the presentation can serve as a strong motivator for some. Finding anything more than a generic card in most stores is very difficult. There are stores in many cities that carry all of the twelve step supplies needed to make the event far more personal.

A quick internet search can provide you with the websites of numerous companies who offer these mementos for individuals or groups. There are groups in AA and NA who frequent these businesses to supply all of their meeting needs. They can purchase items in large or small numbers and in many cases personalize the messages inside each card.

Some internet sites feature individual artists' renditions of unique and one of a kind cards. Others have their own specialty series that they showcase. Most of the sites allow personalization of their work where you can add to or replace the message inside their work.

The internet also can provide an e-card for individuals. These specialty items can be designed by the sender and e-mailed to the recipient on the exact date they entered sobriety. The sender supplies the address and due date when they place the order for the card. This works very well if the person you wish to reach lives in another city or state.

Many of the people who produce these specialty items are in recovery themselves. They have inside knowledge of sayings and acronyms used by participants inside and outside the meetings. This insight allows them to create a card that is meaningful and supportive to the recipient.

The owners of many of these companies announce on the website that they too are recovering alcoholics and addicts and because one foundation to staying sober is to stay in service they view their contributions as a form of service. Their inventory usually contains other items that are important to recovery such as AA Big Books and yearly medallions to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries. Some suppliers offer the option of selecting or creating the card package you want and then picking it up within an hour at a nearby printer or retail store.

For many people the smallest effort can make the difference between staying or leaving recovery. A personalized card that speaks to their successes and progress may be just the thing to tip them into remaining in sobriety one more day or for the rest of their lives.

When you are looking for information about sober greeting cards, go to our web pages here today. You can see details at http://www.SoberingThoughtsOnline.net/about-sober-recovery-greeting-cards.html now.


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